1. LinkedIn Remote Jobs Finder
LinkedIn is not just an online professional community, but it is a great way to search for remote part-time jobs, particularly in the IT sector. LinkedIn, currently one of the biggest professional platforms in the world, has a great number of remote possibilities for software engineers and other IT workers.
LinkedIn has a large and easy-to-navigate jobs section, which enables candidates to search for only remote vacancies. For individuals interested in programming and tech-related work-from-home opportunities, LinkedIn makes it possible to filter the listings by skills, experience, and company type.
LinkedIn has one of the most important advantages over other sites in terms of presenting job listings in conjunction with professional connections. Candidates can also view other people’s experiences at companies that have remote opportunities and even possibly get a referral. It also has ‘Easy Apply’ links for most of the job postings, making it easy to apply to remote part time jobs positions.
Another of LinkedIn’s strong suits is the part time job recommendation algorithm. Depending on your skills, experience, and history of the search, it offers jobs that are remote and in the IT sphere, which might be interesting for you and which you might have never heard of.
2. Indeed Jobs Finder
Undoubtedly, Indeed serves as one of the biggest job search platforms in the world, providing a vast number of remote part time jobs vacancies in nearly all fields, especially in the IT field. Since Indeed collects remote part time job postings from company sites, other platforms, and direct postings, it offers a good picture of the remote job market.
For software engineers and other tech workers who are looking for part time jobs opportunities, Indeed's search function is a real strength. Applicants are also able to search for jobs that offer remote work, that require specific technologies, that pay a certain amount, and so on. The next button on the top of the page is ‘Advanced Job Search,’ which gives you the ability to sort as specific as you want in order to find the exact kind of remote technology job you are seeking.
Indeed also has additional tools, including company reviews, salary estimates, and interview feedback, that can be helpful for candidates interested in remote work. The ‘Indeed Resume’ feature enables you to upload your resume, which can enable you to apply for remote part time jobs as they interest you easily.
3. FlexJobs for remote jobs
FlexJobs remains one of the best websites for workers to search for remote and freelance jobs, especially in the technology sector. This job board was created in 2007, and ever since, it has become one of the most reliable sources of remote, flexible, and freelance jobs. The thing that makes FlexJobs stand out from other job sites is that FlexJobs only posts legitimate and high-quality jobs – the site reviews every single job posting to eliminate scams and low-quality listings.
If you are a software engineer or any other tech-savvy professional seeking employment in the field of remote part time jobs opportunities, FlexJobs has a plethora of them. There is a specific category for computer and IT vacancies on the site; here, you can search for remote software developers, web designers, data scientists, and others. One of the biggest advantages is a well-developed search option where candidates can adjust the results by career level, type of job, and even schedule.
The biggest strength of FlexJobs is its approach to offering not only job listings but also other types of services. It includes skills assessment, resume feedback, and career advice, which makes it an all-in-one solution for remote workers. Also, FlexJobs frequently posts articles and guides on remote work to enlighten you on everything related to part time or work from home jobs.
The only drawback for FlexJobs is that job seekers have to pay a subscription fee to access its full range of services; however, most people are willing to pay this because of the reliability of the job listings and other features offered. On the part of employers, there are various paid features that make it possible to advertise remote jobs positions to ensure that the adverts reach a targeted audience of remote workers.
4. We Work Remotely: dedicated part time jobs finder
We Work Remotely has become one of the most popular websites for employers and employment seekers in the sphere of remote jobs, especially in part time or full time IT and programming from remote work opportunities. This remote job board was started in 2013 and has expanded into the largest remote work community, with more than 130,000 monthly active users and employers listing remote jobs.
For SWEs and tech pros looking for part time jobs or full time jobs opportunities, We Work Remotely contains a diverse list of jobs. The site has sections for technology-related topics such as Programming, DevOps & SysAdmin, and Design. Candidates can filter through hundreds of work-from-home opportunities in companies, from young tech enterprises to industry titans.
There is a clear and simple layout of We Work Remotely that makes it easy to use. Actual job listings are clearly posted, and most important information, such as company name, the title of the position, and any geographical limitations, are also easily identifiable. This makes it easier for those who are in search of work-from-home jobs to go through the available ones and select the one that suits them.
We Work Remotely has a very strong focus on building a community around remote working. It shares articles, reports, tips, and other materials about remote work and organizational culture. This makes it not only a job board but also a useful tool for anyone who wants to succeed in the context of working remotely.
5. Remote.co: focussed part time jobs finder
Remote.co has been recognized as a one-stop platform for finding remote jobs and employers recruiting employees under the modality of remote work. Created as the sister site to FlexJobs, Remote. Co boasts of a rich experience and an empathic understanding of remote part time jobs, especially in technology and programming.
As for software engineering and other remote jobs, Remote.co provides a great variety of vacancies. The website has a specific section for software development vacancies; hence, it is convenient for programmers and developers to look for remote opportunities. The site has a simple and easy-to-navigate design, which enables the user to easily sort through different categories and search for the perfect remote tech job.
Herein lies Remote.co's unique selling proposition: a seamlessly integrated approach to remote work. In addition to posting work from home part time jobs, the platform features an extensive library of articles, tools, company profiles, and trends on work-from-home. This makes it a useful resource not only for the search for a job but for comprehending the world of remote work.
One of the distinctive characteristics of Remote.co is the presence of a Q&A section in which leaders of remote companies answer questions about working in a distributed environment. This is useful for job seekers as they get to learn about employers and the flexible working environment from the employers’ perspective. For people who are seeking part time remote jobs, especially the tech professionals, this can be particularly helpful in that it provides a window into how various companies deal with remote jobs situations in the highly competitive and dynamic tech world.
6. Fiverr: Remote jobs and projects to bid
Fiverr is one of the peculiarities of remote jobs, which is a freelance services marketplace where people with various skills, including tech ones, could work on a project basis. Though not a regular job board, Fiverr offers software engineers and other IT specialists a great chance to find freelance and remote opportunities for building a remote career.
Specifically for tech professionals, Fiverr has subcategories, including Programming & Tech, where you can either offer or purchase web programming, mobile app development, game development, and many others. The platform enables you to build a portfolio to present yourself, the previous projects accomplished, and the professional services provided
Fiverr has a distinctive feature called “gig” – freelancers come up with specific services with fixed prices. This can be especially helpful for technical workers who have specialized knowledge or who tend to work on a per-project basis. It also provides Fiverr Pro for top-tier freelancers; this may be good for seasoned tech workers.
7. Upwork: Projects and remote job
Upwork is one of the biggest freelance platforms worldwide and is aimed at providing great numbers of contractual or part time opportunities with a strong emphasis on IT and programming. The platform provides an opportunity for clients to search for skilled professionals such as software engineers and IT technicians. It is a perfect opportunity to find remote jobs.
For technology professionals, Upwork offers many categories linked to software and web applications, mobile applications, and IT services. The platform enables a person to make a comprehensive profile on their skills, experience, and work samples. You can then use this profile to bid for projects that you are interested in, or clients may invite you to participate in a certain project.
Here, one of Upwork’s advantages is that it is a well-developed system for project management and communication that ensures effective cooperation in distant tech projects. It also has a package for the freelancers, both the top talent and the talent on the rise, whose profiles can be promoted to gain more clientele and charge more for their services by the high-performing tech gurus..
8. Pitch N Hire: Part time jobs finder
Pitch N Hire is one of the best and unique job boards that are designed to help highly skilled employees, especially tech-savvy personnel, work remotely. Out of the numerous features that set the platform apart, the use of artificial intelligence in matching candidates to work-from-home jobs can be said to be one of the most prominent.
For software engineers and other IT professionals, the positions at Pitch N Hire encompass a wide range of remote positions in many tech disciplines. By matching your skills, experience, and preferences, the platform provides you with job listings that could otherwise go unnoticed.
Another novelty of Pitch N Hire is that the focus is on ‘pitching’ oneself to employers. The platform provides an opportunity to make video pitches or to write detailed profiles so that employers can see your personality and abilities and get a chance to be selected among thousands of applicants working in the growing remote job market.
9. Jobspresso:Jobs finde
Jobspresso is a niche remote job board that currently focuses on work-from-home jobs with a major emphasis on technology and digital posts. Many people, both employers and job seekers, have come to appreciate this site because of the best quality job posting services and easy-to-use features. For software engineers as well as other technical personnel who are hunting for work-from-home jobs, Jobspresso has a well-curated list of positions. The platform is open to various IT specialists, such as developers, web designers, UX/UI designers, and digital marketers. The distinguishing feature of Jobspresso is that every vacancy is checked and approved by the site administration before being published
Listing on Jobspresso is, for instance, easy because the site has a simple and uncluttered interface. Applicants can go through all the available opportunities with ease, and some basic information, such as the title of the job, the company, and the requirements for the location, are highlighted. The search section provides an option for sorting by category; thus, it is easy to search for home-based jobs in the technology field.
Jobspresso is free of charge for job seekers or employers searching for employees. Employers can view job openings, submit their applications for a certain job, and use the search option to receive alerts for job openings free of charge. As for the employers, though job postings are paid, the audience of the platform is highly relevant to remote work, especially in the IT sector.
One of the peculiarities of Jobspresso is that the site does not hide the fact that the user is applying for a job. Most job advertisements provide information on the process to be followed after application submission so that the candidates are well informed. This can be especially useful for those who are just starting their quest for work-from-home positions, as it explains remote hiring.
10. Working Nomads: Part time jobs for digital nomads
Working Nomads is an exclusive site for job seekers who are interested in work-from-home jobs and primarily focuses on jobs for tech and programming candidates. This platform is now one of the most valuable resources that every professional who is searching for location-independent work can find, especially in the sphere of software development and IT.
If you are a software engineer or any other tech professional seeking only remote work, then Working Nomads provides a handpicked list of remote employment options from across the world. It consolidates the listings of remote jobs from various sources to provide a wide variety of opportunities in different tech fields. If you are a full-stack developer, a UX designer, or a DevOps engineer, then this platform will definitely contain something that can interest you.
To some extent, I do agree with the above positive points, especially in terms of simplicity of use and effective job sorting. The site categorizes the job openings into subcategories such as Development, System Administration, and Design, among others, and this way, the technical personnel can easily search for work-from-home jobs.
Source: https://remotejobs.agicent.com/